Services Provided


As a personal coach I work with a wide range of clients and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual. In a supportive atmosphere, I help clients attain the professional and personal growth they're striving for.

I offer sessions, both in-person and on the phone. We will start with an initial assessment to clearly define your short and long term goals, everything from communication skills to personal acceptance. We will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy for attaining these objectives.

As a Life Coach, I specialize in the following areas:

Personal Growth
Professional Development
Relationship Coaching
Communication Skills
Confidence & Personal Power
Inner Peace
Achieving Balance
Health & Weight Issues
Organization & Productivity

Please inquire about my life coaching packages to get optimal results at the best value.

To go more in-depth, this is Who I am and What I can offer to YOU :

Simply put: I know how to get things done.

I have been doing it my entire life.

When I entered the workforce at 15 years old, it took me 6 months to become the "go-to" for that business. All while going to school. In the summer I would work two jobs. After completing the one, I would get a ride home and then hop on my bike and pedal 6 miles to the other job. This gave me the ability to afford a car and pay for college tuition.

I entered the Army in my 20's and immediately became a Team Leader then a Squad Leader. Noticing my ability to get things done, the Company Command made me the Training Officer. I was in charge of all the administrative tasks for the entire company and acted as the liaison from top-down (between command and subordinates) and bottom-up (from command to higher chain of command). This was a position normally held by two personnel, a staff sergeant and his subordinate. I handled both roles by myself as a Specialist.

The list goes on, but, currently my accomplishments show that getting things done is my nature...

For the past 12 years I've been employed as the Operations Manager for a manufacturing company. During my tenure there, I also had to handle a Custody battle. Across state lines! 1,000 miles away and many contested hearings had to be attended, and they were. All while maintaining my ability to operate the company.

For 6 of the 10 years, I was forced to fight the most gruesome fight I've endured yet in my life. But, through my ability to get things done, I was able to persevere and WIN!

Yes, that's right, a 10-year custody battle (overall) with 6 of those 10 years being employed in a high-level position, yet able to properly balance them both.

To succeed at both!

I've been wanting to bring my abilities to others and have started this Coaching Business to do just that. I self-published a book, " The Mirror's Puppet ," along with a Guidebook, to aid in bringing those abilities to the world.

What I've endured allows me to bring the following to the table FOR YOU :

1. Faced with chaos and ambiguity daily in his personal life and business world, both were successfully navigated.

2. Whether you run a multi-million dollar business, aim to some day, or lead/have the desire to lead, the lessons provided on how to effectively pivot in situations requiring a decisive maneuver are on display.

3. Through perseverance and an indomitable will to find solutions for overcoming obstacles placed before me, my personal GPS and moral compass were always precisely calibrated to true North.

4. One will learn how to hone a laser-like decision-making focus. A byproduct developed from facing constant chaos and ambiguity.

5. Ultimately, his abilities to compartmentalize extremely stressful personal situations in order to maintain successful business operations at a high level, enabled him to succeed in achieving goals on both fronts.

6. Both business leaders and employees will benefit from this blueprint for constructive human capital management.

7. Courage to face all issues head-on rather than avoiding them, paved the way for success.

8. Effectively manage uncertainty by applying solution-oriented tactics focused on the desired outcome as opposed to the obstacles encountered.

9. Uncertainty is a guarantee. Taking action guarantees results. Whether immediate or eventually, by taking action, one gets a result which can be measured. That measurement will show your proximity to success. EVERY TIME!

10. Obstacles become the Way! They're inevitable so embrace them. As Will Smith says, "If you stay ready then you don't have to get ready." Obtaining those "particular set of skills" which give your mind the knowledge to act from a database of experience can only come through practice. Generally, one gains the proficiency to "stay ready" by dealing with obstacles versus avoiding them.

11. Mistakes, often considered self-constructed obstacles, provide stepping stones to future success, a la Thomas Edison.

12. Harness the power of adversity's teachable moments for winning instead of falling prey to the victim's mindset for losing.

I'm sure you can see how learning from someone with this "particular set of skills" would be a huge boost to your overall productivity. Because, it’s not just business, it’s personal. Once one applies the skills needed to succeed personally, the rest follows. Guaranteed.

Let me know if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you about when we can get started. Thanks for the consideration!


Rob Wilson
Dalcenori Enterprises

Please inquire about my life coaching packages to get optimal results at the best value.

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