
This book will enable all readers to find their own path to silvival.

Through the various techniques mentioned, combined with an easy tracker for personal analysis, the reader will be able to obtain the skills necessary to become a silver sniper. Silver sniping will become a vital skill needed to find, purchase, and maintain silver inventory in any market.

Becoming a Silver Sniper begins with utilizing the Silver Tracker for all purchases. Once the silver spot price is entered, that process can begin immediately. There are various avenues one can take to fill their silver coffers. All of which a Silver Sniper can masterfully target with ease. I’ll use Ebay as the platform of choice for our sniping experience.

Mastering Ebay allows the Silver Sniper to easily target any of the other arenas for silver purchasing. The process on Ebay is simple: search for the silver you want to purchase (rounds, bullion, coins, etc.); target the bidding parameters you feel comfortable with (buy it now, ending soonest, etc.); then get to work setting up your bid.

Entering data is simple. But the Silver Tracker takes all the guesswork out of the purchasing equation for you. As I worked through my silver purchases, it became abundantly clear to minimize the amount of thinking needed to decide whether the purchase would be practical or not. Initially, I had multiple screens open then minimized and was attempting to utilize each one to aid me in purchases.

It became cumbersome to do things this way. That led to thinking of a way to capture all the essential data needed to make quick silver purchasing decisions while maintaining proper inventory at the same time, into a condensed format.

Enter…The Silver Tracker!

Silver Tracker Intro

Although individual purchases will need to be added manually upon each purchase, once inputted, you are rewarded by everything else being calculated automatically. Going forward, the only number which will require changing is the actual Spot Price of Silver.

Upon entering that ONE NUMBER the following information is constantly updated:

  1. Current Overall Inventory Value
  2. Potential Future Value of Your Inventory
  3. Your Average Purchase Price vs. Current Spot Price ( Great way to guide you in your upcoming purchases to immediately show what your Target Purchase Price should be so you don’t overspend. Especially during auctions!)
  4. Current Junk Value for every coin containing Silver (another great number which provides a quick look at what that silver coin is worth AT THE MOMENT you are bidding on it.)
  5. Current Inventory Value Breakdown By Coin Category (i.e.-“War Nickel;” “Washington Quarter;” “Kennedy Half Dollar,” etc.)
  6. …and more!!!

Other values calculated by the tracker upon entering new purchases:

  1. Current Total Weight of Silver in Inventory (showing how much total silver in ounces you own)
  2. Current Total Silver Purchase Expenditures (showing the total amount you’ve spent on silver which is great for tracking your Return On Investment (ROI))


Silver Tracker One Number

I created an “ Investment Outlook ” Section in the Silver Tracker which allows “real-time playing with the numbers” while you’re bidding. I’ve used this countless times to “snipe” that coin at no more than the exact price I was willing to pay. By having the total picture in front of me, I’m able to play with the numbers to see what I’m willing to spend all the while precious seconds are ticking off the bid timer. It’s comforting knowing in those final seconds whether you should stay put or can walk away. It’s that purchasing confidence the Silver Tracker provides while protecting your overall investment. After all, ROI is the most important figure in this realm.

It becomes quite apparent the Silver Tracker is the ultimate tool for Silvival. Your skills as a Silver Sniper are honed to perfection utilizing this tool.

For me, it was a subtle process as opposed to a definitive goal to become one. But, becoming one proved to be essential for Silvival. The act of becoming a silver sniper developed over the course of utilizing the tracker to monitor my purchases.

As my tracking concepts grew my sniping capabilities increased exponentially. The more information I was able to calculate quickly, the better able I was to purchase silver at any quantity at any stated price point I chose. I could instantly see through the use of my Silver Tracker whether that next silver purchase was economical or not. I could set price points. I could play around. All this could be done instantaneously which allowed me to easily decipher which purchases were viable ones and which ones weren’t so I could make a bid or quickly move on to the next item.

Once in the bidding process I could play with the numbers to see what my maximum price to pay would be without increasing my overall price per ounce. Unless I wanted to for the sake of making that purchase, I didn’t have to pay more than what I calculated beforehand. This proved to be very critical come crunch time as those last few seconds were ticking off the bid timer.

I was in control once I fully developed my tracker. I could easily determine what my price point was and submit my bid accordingly. With confidence! If I got outbid, no problem, I just moved on to the next item. Wash, rinse, repeat!

It really became that simple. Of course, it took a little time to get acclimated to the nuances of the silver purchasing game. But, once you get involved with it and work with it, the system defines itself, and the next thing you know, you’re remembering how many ounces of silver each coin contains. Even if you don’t get to that point it won’t matter because you will always have those values available to you with the Silver Tracker.

Simplification to the point of only having to input one figure has made this the only tool a Silver Sniper needs. The Silver Tracker becomes the weapon of choice (actually, the only weapon needed) and the spot price becomes the ammo needed for the Silver Sniper to snipe those deals.

The Silver Sniper utilizes the Silver Tracker to ensure Silvival. The Silver Tracker allows the Silver Sniper to keep track of inventory, target purchases, and maintain a competitive advantage. With the Silver Tracker one can see past, present and future at a glance. Everything is there at your fingertips.

As the sniper factors in the wind, distance, obstacles, among many other variables, so, too does the Silver Sniper. The Silver Tracker takes into account all these other variables.

But, upon entering the actual arena for making that current silver purchase, the Silver Tracker serves as the complete arsenal at the Silver Sniper’s disposal. When the bidding war starts and the decision to actually purchase that item is made, though, only one thing matters: THE PURCHASE PRICE.

The Silver Tracker is the essential tool for the Silver Sniper as all the parameters are taken into account then narrowed to one focus ( THE PURCHASE PRICE ) which enables the Silver Sniper to “take the shot!” One Shot, One Kill! That’s the sniper’s creed. It’s an applicable analogy for the Silver Sniper’s mission, too. You really only get that one shot to get it right. By utilizing the Silver Tracker for all your purchases, you’ll get it right every time.

Get your copy of Silvival: Confessions of a Silver Sniper , today, and let it be your guide to using the Silver Tracker.

Becoming a Silver Sniper is inevitable.

Here’s to your Silvival!

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