The Mirror's Puppet

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So what is The Mirror's Puppet all about? Read this brief introduction for an idea...

The Mirror’s Puppet isn’t written for the sole purpose of relaying this ordeal to the masses. This book’s purpose is to edify the masses by relaying this ordeal. To act as a change agent for the betterment of society. As adults we hold the key to our children’s futures yet more times than I care to witness, societal examples show that key is being left off our key chain of life.

Through the course of this ordeal it dawned on me that it was other people’s agendas which were being forced into my life and my daughter’s life. Unfortunately, those agendas weren’t in the best interests of either party. Only the individuals forcing the agendas were the ones benefitting. My naïveté regarding “the system” when I petitioned the court and first set foot in the courtroom was exposed from Day One. I was like a sheep taken to the slaughter. But, it took me quite a few years to realize that fact.

Once I realized the true nature of things in regards to the system, I was awestruck. From the point of realization on, it became more and more difficult to explain the situation to others. Not without trying, for sure! But, much of the blame was directed at me for involving myself in the situation to begin with. That was the easy thing to say/do for others. To this day, I take full, 100% responsibility for making that decision. It was my decision and my decision only to continue a relationship with this woman and to put myself and eventually my daughter in this situation. The only regret I have is that I couldn’t get the mother the help she needed.

This situation alienated me from family and friends. We all were moving on with our lives, but, I was the only one mired in a situation which needed constant attention. Constant vigilance. Constant devotion to finding a way to overcome it. The key being: OVERCOME. I constantly had to figure out a way to overcome the situation which trapped me and my daughter.

Knowing my daughter was facing an unsafe environment every day created a sense of urgency to remove her from harm’s way. Except, every entity turned to for “help” created more problems than solutions. In fact, even with hardcore evidence, those with the authority to do the right thing, failed to do anything about my daughter’s situation. Except make it worse!

Each scenario played out that I presented the information, it was glossed over, then I had to deal with others wondering if I was just the boy crying wolf. To me, that’s not what mattered most. What mattered most was the fact each time the powers-that-be refused to act on evidence I provided them, it kept my daughter in what was now PROVEN to be an unsafe environment.

All the feelings I had before the actual proof needed to be presented for those who didn’t know what I knew without the proof, were now intensified to a level beyond reasonable. Here it was the presentation of the facts before somebody or a group of individuals who could actually do something to get my daughter to safety and nothing was being done.

I was told to shut up. I was ignored. I was straight-out lied to. I was being deliberately stonewalled. I was FALSELY IMPRISONED! TWICE!!! So, now while I’m dealing with the feelings of guilt and trepidation, added to them is frustration and misunderstanding.

Of course I’m going to be frustrated. It’s one thing for the situation to be an isolated incident. It’s another thing for it to go on for 10 years and for multiple people to play the same game. That game was to play Russian Roulette with my daughter’s life and screw with me while they were doing it.

Now that we have the original feelings of guilt and trepidation added to them frustration and misunderstanding, the question “why” became an ever-present thought. I’ve always been a believer in things happen for a reason, but, this situation put me in a perpetual state of trying to figure out what that reason was.

Why were these people acting this way? Why weren’t they serving my daughter’s best interests? Most importantly, why were they preventing me from protecting her? From performing my rights as a father? It was like they were deliberately keeping me from her and forcing the wedge between us while overlooking every reason why she should not be where she was. Why? Why? Why?

The Mirror’s Puppet , in effect, will explain why. As I said, I’m one that constantly thinks “things happen for a reason.” One thing I’ve figured out through the years is, you may not know why at the moment it’s happening, nor a certain time period after that, but, one thing is for sure, the reason is eventually revealed to you.

May the revelation come to you as well. May you then share your findings!

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